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A member registered Mar 21, 2022

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Ah, I see, I see. 

My apologies for inquiring about such a large task, I would hate to overwork you. 

"i hope it isn't too much of a turn off" 

Well, no, it's not too much of one, it's just the occasional "oh.", and then I just keep playing anyway, it's completely fine, just a minor... I guess I could say inconvenience? 

But, nevertheless, if it's part of the human character, then I'll deal with it, as it isn't too much of a problem, love your game! 

Hey, I apologise if this is a bit much to ask. 

But:  Have you planned about adding an option to not refer to that adorable lil' white blob as a girl? 

I would greatly enjoy the game more if you could choose to call him male, and refer to him as "shrimpdick", or similar.

But, seriously, this is a fantastic game, I found it yesterday, and I have... Completely binge played it today, I love the game. 

Easily the best game I've played this year so far.