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(1 edit)

Gameplay: Wonderful!!! I loved it! The movement was so nice (The mouse sensitivity might have been a bit too sensitive)! Killing the skeletons was extremely satisfying!
(I kind of did not know what to do after I defeated the first wave of enemies and got lost)

Art: Instant Five Stars! -- It was BEAUTIFUL! -- Better than a lot of professional games! Great job and keep it up!

Audio: Spot on.

Theme: Yay, not another game that is not just a classic space game (Classic space games are good, but...)!

Devlog: I was too lazy to read it all, but Good job.

I just added your game to the text file that I store all my favorite to least favorite games in, and yours came on top as being the twentieth game I have played.


haha thanks for the nice review. there's a message when you beat the waves that says 'follow the fireflies' but you're not the only person to have missed it so it's clearly not obvious enough.


I knew that I had to "Follow the Fireflies" by reading the "Other things you want to share with the players of your game." section but I did not know where the fireflies want; so I went exploring. I truly loved the game (or what I got to experience)! -- According to my text file your game is still my favorite! Extremely good work, my friend!