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Absolutely unpredictable, what an experience!

From time to time in the game jam there are rare jewels that break the mold and surprise for their originality, their concept or their way of interpreting the theme... this is one of those cases.

A unique and rare experience that makes you really think. It's not easy and it may seem confusing but everything has its purpose... it's impressive the work that has been put into this.

Thank you for this experience!


Thank you for these oh so motivating words. This project was born from the superposition of several themes of simultaneous game jams, which gives a rather confusing project it is true. And the intellectual challenge of the content of the project is quite present, which can put off players who are already struggling with its form. I am delighted to see, despite everything, that some players insist on succeeding in progressing, or even finishing the game. Rare players who are so many jewels for a developer who is a bit on the sidelines like me. So thank you again for this comment.