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Cool concept, but I really wish there was a way to remove scissor cards from your deck. I accidentally picked one up thanks to a misclick and it keeps whittling away an otherwise fantastic deck whenever I try leaving it on autoplay

Thanks for playing! Valid feedback, though honestly I haven't touched this since the jam.  What brought you here if you don't mind me asking?

Incremental Game Jam Game by Semenar! I found it on the popular incremental games list, and it linked me to both this and a bunch of other game jam entries. It was genuinely interesting to see the range of concepts people game up with, and yours was definitely one of the more unique ones! Considering what you made it for though, I don't fault you for not touching it since posting XD

buy another and point them each other

I ended up using a second scisor card, because you can make them get each other at the same time

I know this is old but you can remove scissors by having 2 scissors point at each other.

But restricting scissors from autoplay is a good feature, though I never actually bought autoplay/autosubmit, I just had 2 4directional + and one of each colored card (and one multiplier in every direction, didn’t come accross multidirectional multipliers) and I knew letting autoplay randomly place it would have made it very unoptimal