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I'm a little over a thousand words into writing the script, and I've started work on the assets! Got one of the base poses for the Antagonist done, as well as roughs for the background and the textbox. I think I'm going to go with a greenish color palette. I want it to feel dark considering the subject matter, but I don't want to go too grimdark. The protag also has bright red hair, so I think that element of her design will pop nicely.



Great artwork I like your style, also I need to look at my color palette... actually need to think about having

Thanks! It can be really hard to nail down things, like a color palette and themes, because choosing something means losing everything else. But when you choose something, your project gets an identity, and narrowing your focus can open up your mind in a really cool way!


Your reply feels obvious yet profound, ellugant if you will. Where do I find more people like you, to engage with on a daily basis?

Awww, thank you! I'm pretty terrible at being part of communities, though. Joining this jam is kinda my attempt to branch out a little bit more; we'll see if I got back into social hiding afterward. XD But I guess that's it, then, huh? Maybe we just gotta be that type of person if we want to see more if them? I dunno. As always, still working on it!