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Forgive him, that's the wrong map. He's referring to a previous map edit that I posted that shows a strategy shortcut for the best way to find all 10 language notebooks in a shorter time. Here's the correct map Nikitos meant to show: 

Thank you Pluto :)

Do the colored rooms and lines mean anything pluto?


Azure rooms are math notebook-exclusive, lime rooms are language-exclusive, pink rooms have both notebook types, orange rooms are staff only (there is a language notebook in the pizza room and a math notebook hidden in the back corner of the red key room which sould be colored azure and lime as well, pink storage room is also staff-only), cream rooms have no notebooks, tangerine is Phonty's room, purple dots are vending machines, dark green rooms are the first two language notebooks, cyan is the elevator, the red room in the far south with the number 9 holds the final notebook, and the red room in the far north holds a dangerous painting that will kill you upon looking at it.

Ok, thank you for the help Pluto :)