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I won't try to speak for anyone else, but I look forward to continuing to play Alaris because I enjoy what you've already shared. It sounds as though you are taking on a lot as your "hobby" project :) evolves. Thank you for sharing Alaris. And remember, even VN titles with large studios (and books by well-known authors for that matter) have "mistakes" like typos and UI challenges, and difficulties with pacing. I'm here primarily for the characters, and secondarily for the story, not perfection. Plus, you can always go back and patch something if you decide something truly isn't working the way you want it to. I think the important thing is how it comes together as a whole, it's OK if a finer detail here or there is a bit "off". I write this as a fellow perfectionist who is also attempting their own VN and LOVES playing all types, particularly amare. We need more amare. Thank you for your hard work and sharing a personal project!

Hi! Thank you so much for this honestly. I can get in my head a lot about the quality of what I’ve put out, but comments and messages like these are always such a good reminder that I’m basically only human and as long as I do my best and am happy with with the end product that’s all that matters <3 And of course it’s always heart warming when other people enjoy what I’ve made, so thank you for letting me know you’ve enjoyed it :))

Also for some reason the quotes around hobby are so funny to me haha! It’s very accurate to how I feel about Alaris

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You're welcome :). Well, "hobby" passion projects can just kind of catch you by surprise and swallow you whole, right? XD. I feel like VNs are born from such a personal place, and that's one of the primary reasons I love them. I think it's a lot to take on, particularly for an Indie developer/team. I mean, I'm an RPG fan too, but ultimately one of my least favorite aspects of RPGs is when the story is diluted by all the other action and such going on in the world. With VNs, the story, characters, and relationships are right there, 24/7. I'm truly looking forward to the next update and spending more time with your wonderful cast (especially Kayn and Fenir...and well, I enjoy all of them, really XD). All the best <3 <3 <3.