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I really love the voice acting; it's great to see that, especially in a jam game! Really shows the effort that went in. I liked the concept too, of a devil accidentally becoming an angel, it's a really interesting idea for a story, and I'd love to see it expanded upon. There's great potential for expansion in the game generally, with new enemies, new puzzles, new bossfights, there's a lot that can be added, and it's got a solid foundation! The character sprites were also really nice, particularly Lupina's, they had some good character and I like how simple it was whilst still conveying that. I had a good time playing this, and I'd love to see where it goes in future - well done!


We were all blown away when the voice actor brought the character to life, and when the sound designer made the environment come to life as well. Everyone had their roles and everyone did a great job! We had fun doing this one :) Thank you!