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Thank you for making something like this. It's hard to express how ADHD works.

I don't think I could bring myself to actually play it though - the actual version of me also has ADHD.

It definitely caught my interest when I saw it in the current bundle. :) I might see if I can get some friends to try it based on the "community copies" (or if I can get them to buy the charity bundle!). Would be interesting to see their reactions.

I'm so glad! If you have people that you want to try it, the text only version will always be free. I hope it provides people in your life some extra insight.


Maybe the rules can be bent a little, so it is about an alternate me that does NOT have ADHD.

I have ADHD myself and I plan on checking this game out, turning the premise around to use it as a tool to find out, why things keep shifting my attention away from tasks constantly.

This game is a brilliant effort to show, what it is like. So it would be a great basis for some experimentation, i reckon :)

Thanks C. R. Legge for creating this.