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Didn't notice the dicks, but now I cant! lol.  maybe logs or a rockslide would be better?

I don't know a good way to add a map in game, but plan to have it on the webpage

I plan to have a 'gate' like on the mushroom, but I have not added it yet.  you automatically get swimming when you kill the Lizard. I plan to have a textbox popup let you know you can now swim, but have not figured out how to do that yet.  (NOTE: different attacks do different damage at different stages of the newt boss fight.  When the HP bar is yellow, lighting does more, but when it gets to red fire does more.  I believe water heals it.  the third boss you have to hit it with the ice, then switch to the fire.  otherwise, it does no damage). the third and forth boss have rooms that you HAVE to have powers to use to exit.  

You just hold space to swim up, but only after you get the ability. I plan to make the swim a LOT faster though

As for the controls I agree.  I was going to have key binding, but I could not for the life of me figure out how to do it.  I am new to this engine (and game making in general).  Also, it is lightning (I was going to have plants, but lighting made more sense), ice, and fire. I'm going to change the UI for that today

Thanks for the complement on the jumping.  that was the second thing I added, and it took me a bit, since the 'default' platformer controls in gdevelop seem WAY too floaty!

I have not noticed the issue with the jump pads before, but I literally speedrun the game (I have beat it in about 4-5 minuets).  I will look into it if I have time.  If not, I will probably put a textbox saying "you cant use this jump pad yet' or something.  

Thanks for all the feedback.  I will try to look into as much of these issues as I can!