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The main difference you’re seeing here is how newlines/linebreaks are handled between editors.

Normally, markdown requires two trailing spaces at the end of the line to introduce a linebreak. Some editors (like stackedit) have removed that requirement, and add a linebreak wherever a newline appears.

To add newlines in your footnote content, you’d just add two trailing spaces at the end of your lines in the footnote. You could also use a real bulleted list by indenting the list with four spaces to start (also how you’d add additional paragraphs). There’s an example of that in the markdown example document in Deepdwn, if that helps.

Footnotes and preview side by side, one with a flat “list” with ascii bullets and two spaces to terminate newlines, and the other with a markdown list, indented with four spaces

Hope that helps!


Thank you! I was so confused but I’m glad it was just me and a formatting issue. I’ll have to kill my active habit of deleting the trailing spaces or at least tell my spell check it’s not actually an error.