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Love this game so much already. I'm wondering if you could give me some hints, however?

In my 'pockets', I still haven't filled in the npcs for:

- 2nd row, left-most

- 4th row, left-most

- 5th row, left-most

I've been wandering round the whole map for ages trying to figure out what and who I'm missing :c

Hello! Thank you very much!

- 2nd row, left-most
To get this one you need to help Taras find all products he needs.

- 4th row, left-most
For this one you need to help one of the art students finish their art assignment.

- 5th row, left-most
This one is given to you by Kicks when you bring her Sooshki from the Library Woods vending machine.

Hope this helps!

Oh, thank you for taking the time to respond!

Weirdly, though, I've done all those ones already.

.... oh my god, I figured out why. I confused my left and my right. I am so sorry xD


No worries!

- 2nd row, right-most

To get this one check the postcard Polina gave you.

- 4th row, right-most

For this one you need to unblock the "star" button in the elevator. There's a hint on the elevator wall that might help you figure out how to do that.

- 5th row, right-most

You might look for footprints on the snow in Mystery Cave that point to a secret place.


Thank you so so much <3 дуже дякую )))

Hmmm, I have tried the suggestion for postcard. Is there a way I can DM you so I don't spoil anything for readers here? :0

Deleted 2 years ago