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Oh, thank you for taking the time to respond!

Weirdly, though, I've done all those ones already.

.... oh my god, I figured out why. I confused my left and my right. I am so sorry xD


No worries!

- 2nd row, right-most

To get this one check the postcard Polina gave you.

- 4th row, right-most

For this one you need to unblock the "star" button in the elevator. There's a hint on the elevator wall that might help you figure out how to do that.

- 5th row, right-most

You might look for footprints on the snow in Mystery Cave that point to a secret place.


Thank you so so much <3 дуже дякую )))

Hmmm, I have tried the suggestion for postcard. Is there a way I can DM you so I don't spoil anything for readers here? :0

Deleted 2 years ago