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It can take more than a day. Not always I am checking things to be fair. ^^ But I like comments and as such also respond to them when I feel there should be an answer.

There is actually a bit of love sprinkled in the Special Scenes. The Hidden Route if you will. It won't affect the other scenes even when you trigger it, but might have an effect on something else that is important (not wanting to spoil and it isn't implemented yet either). So there is a love confession type of scene for those that earn it in a playthrough. Maybe that is your cup of tea, even when the normal scenes are too smutty? Just a suggestion. I personally prefer the more smutty tone. ^^

Translation...It is possible, certainly. But that really depends in which language and would require a lot of effort too. An effort I don't think most other smut games are making either. A translation if it is done would only make sense after the game is complete too. Personally I don't see the need for it as English is the most common language and I am only fluent in German other than that.

I can help with translation if you want

I would rather not think about that right now and instead focus on the other aspects of the game. I have enough scenes that still need to be written. A translation, if any will be done, would come after the game is truly finished and that will still take a while.

Might release the game in full at some point so it can be edited then, so people can simply translate it themselves if there is a demand for it.

Though I wonder what language you have in mind. You forgot to elaborate. ^^

It's a secret 😉