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(1 edit)

Clamp: Guys, he's coming! now!!!

Everyone: (bow)

Fleen: oh great. now nervous.

Clamp: it's okay. me too. we too.

Reaan: IT'S HIM!!! WE'RE BIG FAN!!!

Clamp: that's enough. no need over exagerate. I know.

SHoonBee: I feel so sad, Joel is alone here. only some of us here.

Clamp: yeah. he may need IRL friends! he may need help to build the assets for him!

SHoonBee: Oops. too late. he posted it on Binus maya forum. guess he just need to somthing.

Reaan: Idea! he can ask his parent optionally!

SHoonBee: Good idea! that's my idea too. infact, been appeared yesterday.

Reaan: yeah.