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I really like the idea of using the crunchy 8-bit sounds for the lower levels and adding more sound clarity and flavors as we ascend through the OST.

Track 1: At first this track presents itself in simplicity, but on repeat listens I appreciate intricacies that add so much to the listening experience. The subtle chord changes that keep the listener on edge, the minor 2nd clashes of the melody with the harmony, and the expression of the buzzing drone are some of my favorites.

Track 2: I enjoy that the ideas from the title track are expanded here. Your selection of lead instruments is impeccable and your sound palette works very well. I recognize some of the synths from your OST “Wishmaster” and I am a big fan of how you are able to craft such performance-quality melodies.

Track 3: I love the chords you use in this track. They feel ambient and cyclic like the souls that are doomed to forever reside in the river Styx. This sounds like a lot of the best Donkey Kong Country music and is very well done.

Track 4: The driving rhythm section juxtaposed with the soaring chords gives the “flashy goodness” vibes you describe! This track is also organized very well and tells a coherent story through the rises and falls in energy. This is a great cap to the ascension story line!

Track 5: I’m a fan of the ambience of this track. The chord extensions of the cycling major chords and the inability to reach the tonic when it feels so close is such a great way to achieve the “beyond bliss” feeling. Overall I thoroughly enjoyed your submission and, as always, I am impressed with your compositions, especially given how much you were able to complete in only 48 hours. Thank you for sharing!

Wow, thanks for the big feedback! I love seeing people pick at the intricate details and things I put into my songs, it really means a lot. I think this is my favorite thing I've made so far, so I'm glad you enjoyed it, too!