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What do I do if there are no songs in my queue. How do I rate submissions?

Same same. I could only rate one, and any other submissions shows me this message:

You can't rate this submission yet

This jam requires you to clear your rating queue before you can rate any submission you want. Please check your queue to see what submissions you can rate.

Thank you for your reply but there are no submissions in my queue 

Hi! This is because you've selected a platform in the rating queue, and you cannot revert back. I have now disabled rating queue for those who submitted to avoid any further problems, so you should be able to rate submissions now, cheers!

Thank you. This is fixed now, I can see all submissions. Much better :)

Hi! This is because you've selected a platform in the rating queue, and you cannot revert back. I have now disabled rating queue for those who submitted to avoid any further problems, so you should be able to rate submissions now, cheers!