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Thanks you so much! I'm really happy you liked the game!

Nice job catching the "Waiting for Godot" references (especially the tree one).

Unfortunatelly when I made the coin sequence I didn't have in mind any play in particular, but I was generally ispired by the "theatre of the absurd" (but I see how you might think this is a reference to the coin in "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead").

With the coin I wanted to introduce an element that is very commonly used in videogames and by making it absolutely useless I wanted to stress the lack of purpose and the absurdity of the whole game.

If you'd like to know more about the development of the game, in a couple of days I'll publish a devlog on my YT channel, so feel free to follow me there. Fabiulous Games YT Channel

Thanks again! This comment made my day!


Thanks, I'll definitely look for your devlog (and your channel)! And if you'll ever make another game about theatre of the absurd, please let me know ;P

Also, now that I understand what you were looking for, the coin sequence makes a lot of sense (...well, for a nonsense scene). Great job, again!

Will do! Take care ;)