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An excellent game! I, admittedly, have not played through all there is, and I haven't gotten all the endings. But that even makes me more thrilled I found this game-it's so soul-shatteringly good! I really wanted to save everyone, but of course that's not really possible (that I know of). 

I really liked the art. It was so well done, I just had to keep staring at it.  The CG where Kikka is standing behind flames is my favorite, I would have to say. Kikka is actually one of my favorites! I really liked her, and felt bad whenever I got her killed. I especially liked the way light, lamp or fire, was done in the art. 

I thought Lu would be sort of irritating, because before playing the game I thought he'd be the annoying loser who gets everyone else killed, but after getting his endings, I like him a lot! Bemelle would have to be my second favorite, though, because I really like that kind of character. 

I hope you will create some more games, as I really liked this one!


Thank you so much for all the kind words ^^! Haha, it's nice to hear that Luey grew on you. He certainly doesn't give the best first impression. I hope you enjoy the rest of the endings.