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Super nice idea of topic.

So my experience of the Jam. First thing first, I was super excited to participate in this Jam.
After last year and the release of my biggest project so far, I was struggling starting a new project, experimenting with different ideas, different engine (hello Godot); so this jam occasion was really an opportunity for me to just let it go, focus on a one week project, finish it, release it and have a lot of feedbacks and ultimatly have fun.

I began the jam, trying to plan as much as can within the limited time I got (which is already more than many jammers). I fixed 20 hours .
Obviously that was total bullshit 🤣 I spend nearly 45 hours on it (yes I took notes).
Even if I largely go beyond my prevision, I think I had quite an healthy Jam overall, I didn't work on Sunday neither on Tuesday, and sleep 8 hours/day (🖕 crunch).

What I struggle the most within the first days was dealing with bugs.
Indeed with a 🎲 based game you couldn't afford to let some bugs which could ruin all the experience.
Unfortunatly even if I was experienced with GDevelop some of the features I wanted to develop where unecessary complicated to reproduce inside GDevelop (developer in real life, I now exactly what things I wanted and how to implement it but not in the specific context of Gdevelop).
Finaly after several days of trying and experimenting, I finaly got it working (I was on the verge on being demoralized and quit the jam 🙃)

These difficulties away, the jam last final stretch was quite happy, with a friend of mine doing the adaptative music, and my loved ones actually enjoying the game.

Once submitted I was quite happy with the result.
I don't think I'll win something but I don't think it was the point overall.

I really enjoyed making this jam and testing all the other games !

Congrats everyone, 
Take care 💖