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Mission can only be completed in star system. It's just another way to get money, time crystal. Once you reach higher level in asteroid belt (the freeplay mode) the enemy health can ramp up faster than you can upgrade. So you might want to explore other places to get more resource instead. 

At least that's the plan I think. I didn't spend much time balancing the game, especially the late game so I'm not sure.

For somereason teh game will show the "loading" screen, then it turns grey. I've reopened teh game, restarted my laptop, even changed my wifi, is there a fix or is this client side?

Probably save file corruption. I think you can clear cookie to reset it. 

If you open inspect menu (f12) > application tab, on the right you will see storage > local storage you will be able to see save file name "SimplerSpace.0.playerdata.json" right click + copy that file and send it to me (or put it in pastebin) so I can check the error. Thank you.

Currently I play this on my chromebook however I'm probably going to switch to my monster PC as my chrombook cries when I open the tab and boot the game up (CPU at 68 C rn) and I was unsure how to copy the save file; If it happens on my pc I'll do that for you. Thanks for the tip! 


I don't know if I said this before but your game is AMAZING, and I encourage you to continue. Again, thank you for giving me the help you have and for creating this beauty of a game :)

(1 edit)

Thank you for your kind words :)