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(1 edit)

The whole short story is intentionally vague to be artistically interpretive like poetry.  It's a great start for my interactive story writing endeavors.  Rise from your bed with C and jump to the sky with ease using Space.  CSpace.  

Keep playing; the game gets better as I continued to learn and work.

-Joseph Cantrell, JC


I got a little further, and then was tall and could jump, so that's why I thought I was the cat. But after I got small again, I got trapped in the bedroom by some black smoke thing and it killed me instantly every time the game reloaded. I'll give it another shot when I have more time to try again and play back to that point.

Sure.  I got a little further too.  I started writing the sequel, but I lost my paintbrush XP to level up my Tome skill and am now  mired in a snowstorm with only one piece of the map.