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It seems that many of your comments were from an older version of the game.

Controls are patched, you can use A and D keys (was a problem with Unity Input).

I’ll try when I have time to add arrows icon but Im right now on a ew

For the X button on the controller, I'm going to look into it to see where the problem comes from.


I'm aware of the difficulty in controlling the ship but that's the whole point of this game unless it's a simple asteroid game. What I can do is maybe reduce the speed and turn speed a bit. But first I advise you to play with controller, I found it easy to play.


For the rest, those are just some little things to change and polish but the game is just a prototype.

Thanks for your time!

Older version? I'm just talking about the version you posted. You only really post games here if you want people to play them, I thought? If you're posting a prototype here, I would imagine you're doing so to gather feedback on how to improve the game.

I think a game having bad controls isn't the best way to add difficulty. I could make a Mario clone where every time you jump you have a 50/50 chance of dying, and it would be "difficult", but it wouldn't be a "good" game. Asteroids is already difficult without having bad controls, as it having good controls allows the developers to have more asteroids on screen at a time. What I gather from your game design is that you realize the bad controls are too bad to have any meaningful input on what happens in the game, so you heavily nerfed the asteroids to compensate.

Older version because when I tried to the controls I didn't have any problems. That's because I was aware of that issue and I have already fixed it.

I think you just need to find the good way to control your ship. Like I told you, you can start with a controller will be easier than keyboard. But the thing is you have ton control your inertia by boost at the opposite. To do so you need to make some little movements. 

I now those physics makes the game complicated but this is the purpose of the game you will need 10 to 20 min to understand how ton control your ship. 

There is no chance in my game so your comparison isn't relevant here.

Well yeah, the boost to slow yourself down thing is just how Asteroids works. I'm talking about the rotation being "press a button once and spin anywhere from 30 to 270 degrees per second and you have no way of knowing beforehand". Also I hardly see how the controller thing is relevant. I see that said for many games all the time, but as I'm way more used to keyboard, it never ends up being true. YOU may be used to a controller to the point it's easier for you, but I'm not.

I'm just trying to tell you how difficulty does not equal fun. Difficulty is not an excuse for having bad controls. Do you disagree?


I understand you point, totally, but the purpose of the game is not to make a ship that rotates like 10 degrees every time you press "a". That's way I added this inertia.

 I’m not used to controller, and if you want to know I’m a big fan of fps so don’t worry I’m main keyboard xD. This game has been tested with many people and Iknow the game is not easy but not impossible just need to find the good timing to press any key.