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Thanks! If you got any issue, let me know.

In any of the content packs, do you have a tools sprite? Pickaxe, axes, shovels etc... I can't find it, there are only a few tilesets with these big tools that don't fit in a single 48x48 frame

For tilesets you mean? you can find some on the Miner's Cave.

It can be icons, as long as it's 48px or more, there are thousands of icons to dig through, if you can give me a direction. Mina's package doesn't have what I need.

if can be icons you can find some in the starter pack of icons and maybe the 5000+ icons I do have memory of making those

Are there any other projects in progress? I noticed that there are some images that are in the description of the content pack, but they didn't come with it. Are these images exclusive to Patreon? The snowman for example.

Yes, a winter village! The showman is supposed to be included. Are you sure is not there?

I found it, it was in the ALL Tileset folder, I'm using the "RPG Maker MV and MZ" folder.

Great, I will fix this later

Tileset from the Miners package also came missing several images in the tileset file, I will have to review everything again and edit the files. =\