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(1 edit)

Does not work on Linux (Ubuntu 20.04) cannot find the shared library-something, Ubuntu even propose me to find out what I needed, but it comes to a dead end

I'll try to get my hands on a Ubuntu to fix that.

In the meantime you can always build from the sources:

I made a Ubuntu20 build here:

You'll need to install SDL2 and SDL2-mixer on your system if not already there

(2 edits)

thanks a lot for a very re-active answer to fix the game on Ubuntu (I did try the game on your link), but I won't install SDL2 and SDL2-mixer, for multiple reasons the first one is that on the

It's written:
Linux: Please contact your distribution maintainer for updates.,
Thus I opened "Softwares & Updates" it's not there... and in the package manager there are so many thing with "sdl" inside that I have no idea which one is which one -> thus it become a hassle just to play your game.

Also, Once I did install a software witch installed "Timidity" and got problem with the sound, I needed to remove timidity to get the sound back on my computer... and the lib you are speaking about tells us :

Mixer supports playing MIDI format files using software wavetable via an old version of timidity. 

This requires you to have a GUS compatible set of sound patches on your system.

I will not install something else other that the things which come with my distro (Ubuntu-MATE to be exact).

7 years with the same distro, same SSD, never ever formatted, rock solid stable -> I won't play Frankenstein now ;)

In all case thanks a lot for your very fast answer, and have an absolute fantastic day.

I understand your point and I'm working on a better packaged version for Ubuntu.

In the meantime I compiled to HTML5 using Emscripten so you should be able to play it here: