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So to my knowledge, I've never really played a resource management game, but now I'm really I to the genre!

This is a great casual game that I ended up playing quite a bit before bed to decompress after work.

I like the idea of turning a hive into a buzzing little factory, and every bee has its purpose. Skimping on any of them can lead to great consequences down the road, like a lack of needed resources, extensions not being built, or even just no bees at all (tip, keep your baby sitter numbers high) 

My only thing is I wish that moving things I had built were possible. Like at the start you just build around you because that's what you've got, but eventually I broke up my hive into areas so all of my map rooms and exits are in one space, also next to the pollen storage for easy drop offs, and the factories are on the other side. But to do that it meant demolishing and rebuilding things, which isn't bad, but I wish it were easier. I think I loose resources by doing it as I'm now loosing a storage unit full of pollen so I can move it across the hive. 

It's very relaxing, but I probably won't change hives in the future as I now know what all I need and want to build a little bee society 😁🐝

(1 edit)

Thanks for your kind words and for sharing! It's really nice to hear that Hive Time has whet your appetite for management sims :)

You will lose some of the resources spent on constructing the cells you're destroying (by default, destruction gives back half of the current construction cost). If you have enough redundant storage cells to hold your entire current stock of a resource, you won't lose any of that stored resource when destroying its storage cells.

My intention is that this promotes hive expansion, leading players to build bigger on their early hives rather than reconfiguring a limited space while they're still learning. Ideally, this pushes the challenge of chasing highly optimised spaces for players' subsequent hives, where the fiddliness of destruction and potential loss of resources help provide some constraints that make that kind of gameplay a tiny bit more technical.

If you do decide you want to start a new hive, the game will automatically make a save of your previous hive just before you left so that you can go back and load it up if you change your mind. There are a couple of things that won't happen on your first hive, but playing a single hive forever is a valid way to play ^_^