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I think something's wrong. All I can do is move left and right (hugging the left wall moves you slightly downward and hugging the right one moves you upward), there's nothing to catch. Is that the intention?

Sorry, i think the page is bugged, the web build doesnt work, but the windows works fine, but for some reason the windows file doesn't appear

you should be able to download the windows build

Yep, that one works.
Well, it's nice and chill, and I liked the effects. Personally I think it's Xanderwood's fault of not explicitly stating that a story is needed, since there's no story here, I had to give you 1 star for that. Apart from that, I think a bit more polish could be good: making the collectibles/notes in sync with the music, giving them some kind of animation or particles when you collect them, and some kind of end screen saying "you win" would make it a bit more complete. Apart from that, a nice little game.