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The final of my creations before the full game releases. I really enjoyed making this and experimenting with the instruments. I don't know where you got this idea but  I love it.



Hi thank you for sharing! I think I enjoyed this one the most (Room 2). If you want to see more of the game soon, you can sign up to be a playtester here, I'm going to send out some more playtest game keys this week. That will give you access to an 18 level version of the game~

I already signed up from when you replied to another person's song. Loved theirs too! Thanks for responding though!

Cool, glad to hear it :) When did you sign up? I guess it was after the first batch of keys were sent?

(1 edit)

Yeah, I went through playing other peoples songs and found the link around five minutes after.

Ok cool, then you should get a playtest key later this week. Be sure to search your email for "Lo-Fi Room" as it often gets sent to spam.

