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I won't be able to finish this Game Jam -- got business trips until the end of the month. :(

Anyways, below is a montage of the game assets I was creating in Blender.

My theme was going to be Fruit (obviously) and I was going to do a sort of RPG where you fight different fruit enemies. The last enemy was going to be an Avocado because -- surprise surprise! -- it's actually a fruit!

The other fruits are a Banana, an Apple and a Rambutan (cool points if you know what a Rambutan is, they're actually really good).

In particular I was going to make it generate a random map each game and each screen would have random background elements. 

Hello....the picture of the fruits are nice. You are a blender expert!

My theme was going to be Fruit (obviously) and I was going to do a sort of RPG..................... <== The plot of your game is so interesting!

The other fruits are a Banana, an Apple and a Rambutan <== So many cute characters are in this game. Sure!!

In particular I was going to make it generate a random map each game and each screen would have random background elements. <== this arrangement sounds really interesting. Good job! If you are able to finish the whole game at last, many gamers will like to play this game so much.