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I unfortunately can't really  give this a rating, since I haven't been able to actually play it, but reading through the PDFs, there are a lot of really cool ideas here. I love the idea of using a Kaiju as the map the players travel across, and having different parts with various terrain and skill challenges, all as players search for weak points. It gives a real sense of gargantuan scale. I also love the idea of a true/false rumour system players can uncover, and investigate for themselves. The lore and monsters described also sound really cool.

However,  (and maybe it's just my lack of experience with any tabletop RPGs other than D&D) I don't fully understand how the rules of this game work, and how systems like stats, resting, and progression are carried out, Unless there's a base system on which this is built, I think it would be really beneficial to have sections added describing how the game flow works between the DM and players, and how to properly set up characters.

Anyways, all in all, great job on this!


Thank you so much for the kind words, and for taking the time to post!  I really appreciate it.

So the entry I made is an adventure for the MÖRK BORG tabletop roleplaying system. It's a roleplaying game (RPG) just like D&D is an RPG, but uses a very light ruleset, and has a rather dark and "heavy metal" setting.  Picking up the rules either in print or PDF would be required to play. Although I bet you could use the rules summary and some online generators, and maybe play without buying anything!

You post really made me think about how that may not be obvious to everyone, particularly in this game jam (which is mostly digital games). I plan to update the game page description to make this more clear. I also plan to include some information about that on all future ones as well, as a best practice.

Again thanks for pointing this out!  I'll make some changes.