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I had a problem that I had to reinstall EFPS Pro through the application, and when I start the editor it says: Connection timeout!

It also says No connection in the top right corner of the program.

But there is an internet connection!

Has anyone else had this problem?

That's strange. I'll check it out but try to remove everything from the folder(copy your oroject folder somewhere to bring it back later) and install a fresh copy

Try it after the latest hotfix. This should fix the problem


How can I add enemies and decorations to the editor?

(1 edit)

I copied the images into the decorations and enemies folder, but the editor does not display them. I have tried everything. 

There should be a button to import the file I think. For simplicity. 

Thanks for the timeout fix, it no longer shows an error! 

I have some ideas! 

There could be a setting on the blocks to set it to be solid or permeable bkokk, so for example you could even make a pool in the game and it would be like being in water. :D

Plus, it would be cool if you could animate the sprite of it.

Is it possible to write a script that before starting a game, gives the command to play a video in ogg format?

If you know a script for this, please share it with me! :)

Copying images is not enough. You need to add an enemy in "Enemies editor" or a decoration in "Decorations editor". You can also import sprites in there.

You can animate textures by using "Textures Animation" in "Advanced Tools".

And no, I will never add a video support. This is just not something I'm very willing to put myself through.

Inside my program, if I go to the decorations or enemies settings tab, there is no folder icon to open sprites, just a red x and a green check mark icon that appears, nothing else!

I guess as a decoration and enemy editor it wants to be.

Enter the name and press the green button. It's mentioned in the manual.