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The game have a very nice mood with a good choice of music ! After a while, I get used to the controls and it become fun to try to drive the spaceship. I think the very hard difficulty could stay fun if the rythme of the game was faster. Here, I had to start every turn by finding the shoot upgrade and that takes a long time so it feels like you can not repeat several play while keeping intensity. For that kind of very hard scoring game, I felt like I would like something like Super Hexagon (that have a similar sound design) where you die really fast but where two plays follow each other without interruption. Also, there are some very nice details, like the debris of the asteroids that can still hurt you, the different music for the score screen,...


Thanks for playing, and for taking the time to master the controls !

The maze at the start was intended to force the player to learn the main movement mechanic. You're right that it is slow to do, and annoying when replaying. We were crunching to get something which showed all the ideas, and didn't have time to really think about the level design.

I think a better version of the game would maybe have a (skippable or separate) tutorial showing the principles, and then an arcade mode where it just throws everything at you.