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(1 edit)

it would be great if you made it so that you can download it from here aswell for players who dont have steam. (just my opinion) 

p.s. i know it relies on steam servers but maybe bring back the old servers too?


the old servers cost me like $200 a month, so I'm not doing that. steam's servers are free

ooh k i love your game tho

oh thats why ouch

I am working on a game, and I was wondering how you made the capsule materials customizable, and the same with the death vfx.

The capsule materials are customizable by just modifying the material texture.

renderer.material.mainTexture = yourTexture;

Death effects are just prefabs instantiated when the player dies. A different prefab is used depending on the death effect. They contain things like particle systems and animators to achieve the effects.