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Yeah, I know what you mean. Unfortunately, everything had to be randomized, because there was no way I was going to have the time to plan out levels and make sure the patterns were fair.  As a result, it kinda swings between super easy or a little unfair. Prior to balancing it that way, it was always tough as nails, so this was the best compromise I had time for. 

The burps are a little tougher, because you get them from enemies. If they also stunned enemies, the game would be way too easy. As it stands, if you get a couple, you basically becomes unstoppable (you can see me spamming burps and chain killing in the gifs XD). They're basically in their as a way to make up how unfair the randomness is. Maybe doing them as a stun would make more sense with pre-planned patterns.

Thanks for the feedback!