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(1 edit)

nice visuals.
I like the idea of low and high shooting, with crouching effecting that, but having to press a height, then press shoot is really quite awkward.
Might work well instead with trigger to shoot low, bumper to shoot high.
edit: playing a bit more, its very awkward that to aim high you press Y, but pressing Y when already up makes you put your gun away, means its super easy to put your gun away by accident 

Thanks for your feedback.  We are going to make right trigger: draw and shoot if your gun is holstered, but we ran out of time to implement all of our ideas. Having a separate button for holstering is a valid suggestion that we will take into consideration.  There are still more actions we want to include in the game so button layout might be tweaked in the future. We will continue to update Boomtown after the Judging for the FFS Game Jam is over. Thanks for playing.