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(1 edit) (+1)

Collections is not worth the trouble.  If it can be removed randomly without notice by the dev, then it is pointless to bother with it.  Many games being given away for a limited time have a 'claim' button but the dev doing the giveaway has to enable that functionality on their end.  My suggestion was that the default be 'always claimable' so that devs don't need users poking them about it to enable a functionality they may not be aware was there at all.

Here is an example of a limited-time free giveaway with a claimable game:


For paid games that are free for a limited time, the default option is to have a claimable. So if someone turned it off they they probably did it intentionally for some reason.

Understood, thanks for the response!  I guess this 'request' can be closed as answered/solved.


Just a quick update on this.  Have had many indie devs not understand how claiming works.  There's also some confusing languages about 'not always being on sale' under the Creator 'Quality Guidelines'.

Would appreciate an official blog post and/or FAQ update that explains how claiming works and how to make a free/paid/sale game claimable on the developer side of things.

Thank you very much for your time and attention.