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Hi! Great game, just one question: In the room with two small doors, I really can't figure out which words to use. I figured the only "up" thing was "thym" from the body parts poster, but I've already tried:

kithymrupuu kythengi, thymkirupuu kythengi, thymrupuu kythengi, thym rupuu kithengi, thym kirupuu kythengi, kirupuu thym kythengi, rupuu thym kythengi... etc.

Yet none of them work.

Sidenote: Why are some things capitalized, and some not? Shouldn't it be "Betzeming themengi!", which I interpret as "Look at the human!", or "Study the human"?

I was also wondering if you made up a whole language for this or just made these few examples.

In any case, great concept!

(1 edit)

glad you liked it! i did make up a simple grammar and some more words then ended up getting used, but it's not a full language by any means.

for capitalization, i was a bit inconsistent with it but the commands should be all lowercase. I actually meant to have it ignore case but I forgot...


for that puzzle, look at the box -- you need to open the upper door :)


Oh! I'd say that wasn't communicated very well - I mistook the arrow for a keyhole!

yeah definitely, if i was to revisit this game some more playtesting and better hinting for the puzzles would be the top thing to fix :)