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Tried the newest version and I'm pleased with the progress the project is making. Haven't encountered any serious bugs, so instead I will focus on things that could be improved.

Graphicaly speaking, the game would benefit greatly from having dynamic shadows, but even having simple blob shadows for characters and objects would be enough. Also, some kind of ambient oclusion would make the corners between walls and floor look much better without having to bake the shading into textures manualy. Here is a little picture I made with my amazing photoshop skills.

And with shading

Other than that, I would definitely focus on sound effects. Tiny bugs dying when you step on them on the second to last level was a great touch, but it would be greatly improved by adding a splat sound effect and a puddle of goo. Enemies could also use more sound effects for attacking, hitting, getting hit, walking and so on.

Now for the gameplay part.

Having some kind of class selection or starting gear / spell shop would be nice. I wanted to play as a mage this time and with my bad luck, I didn't really find any kind of good magic oriented gear in the first few levels. This could also be solved by having some kind of a shop system. Maybe a much weaker version of golden goblin at the end of every floor that will allow you to chose from like three options.

Don't really remember if the mana and healing spells were in the previous version, but I didn't use these because the penalty of losing 2 maxHP / MP after some uses seemed too harsh. Personaly I would make them half as powerful, make player lose  3 max hp/sp and remove this penaly at the start of new floor.

That is all I can think of right now. Good luck with your project.


Thank you for playing and reviewing this latest version. I am very pleased knowing that you are enjoying playing through a second time all the way through. Visuals are by far my weakest aspect, and I will take all your suggestions into consideration.

To address your points:
You are right that it's a pain to decide on a build, only to not get the appropriate gear for it. While the Goblin was a good starting point, I'm looking into adding more player agency when it comes to gear and other character deciding aspects. It is certainly something I would like to improve upon for the next build.
The harshness of the heal/manaheal spells will see some rebalance, but the way I would like them to be used is as a last resort mechanic, for when the player is in a tough spot and is low (or out of) potions. I've noticed many players who do not have experience with this genre of games would get stuck and run out of potions, while others will have full inventories of just potions! It's a design battle to give players some sort of bail out in case things get tricky, while experienced players can't abuse them to steamroll through everything. Regardless, I will try all approaches and see what sticks.

Again, thanks for dedicating the time to play and review this version. Hoping your project is also going well - it's about time for me to give the colony another go!