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You're welcome! Thanks for playing my game. I'm glad you enjoyed it. 

About 20% of the animations were from a motion capture library and the other 80%, were done by hand.  And yeah Tikal's voice actor totally rocked it.

And huh... I would say you and I have some different thoughts on working game mechanics but I appreciate all the two-cents nonetheless.

There are only 3 outfits for now. More in the next iteration.

And haha oh you found that huh? It's actually a running joke, the kid sticking out of the sand is the protagonist from my main game, Vacuulus. Frozen/petrified since I hadn't worked on his game in a few months.

Thanks again for all the kind words! This game was a 4 month labor of love while working a full time dayjob and I'm glad it could bring you some joy!