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“y yes sir”

"Alrighty! your total is 4.25$" 

he took his wallet out, accidentally dropping it

As he bent down to pick it up his hood fell down as he came back up

“O oops! H heheh silly m me”

"oh! Its no... problem..." Insert unintentional staring / jaw dropping. 

he scanned his card and tilted his head

“W what’s..,what’s wrong? D did I forget my face mask?”

"eh!? Oh- no.. don't worry about it! You're good!" He smiles, trying to look at like-- anything else 

“o oh okay?”

He went and sat down, sighing, just…mellowing out

"Uh huh..." he turns around an starts making his drink, the whole ass time he was muttering to himself, shit like "calm the fuck down.. they aren't real- it'd be weird if they were.. and even still it isn't your business... hes probs just into some weird shit.. just fuckin make the drink and move on.." and unfortunately for.. everyone, the cafe was pretty much empty so.. it was very.. very quiet 

he did hear it a little and was a bit embarrassed 

After a while, he finishes up and heads back over to the counter "uh- sir? Your drink is done!"