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After a while, he finishes up and heads back over to the counter "uh- sir? Your drink is done!" 

he got back up to get it, his ears were twitching as he was embarrassed 

he smiles, handing the drink to him, again, desperately trying not to pay attention to the very real ears attached to that dudes head "here you go!" 

he happily took it and nodded

“Thank you sir”

And he sat back down 

"right..." he nods, going back to doing um.. job.. things (i have never had a job before idfk) though, after a little while.. he just ends up staring at orin 

he nervously drank his coffee, scratching his ear and wiggling it uncomfortably 

“N nhH-“

“O ow”

Andrew continues to stare at him for... longer than necessary.. before lightly smacking himself in the face and whisper yelling at himself to "snap out of it- you fucking creep" he turns around, cleaning off the counter still talking to himself about how "that shouldn't be possible" and "even though it's fucking adorable he has to leave the poor man be" 

he found it cute that he was so bothered, and figured he’d try something when he finished his coffee 

he... just kinda continues to pace around behind the counter, talking to himself and whatnot until orin's finished with his beverage

he brought the cup back

“I c couldn’t help but hear y you…”