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The idea with the magnet is nice, and, overall, the puzzles were alright, but here's a couple of things that I didn't like:

- most of all, the character controls are not good; the jump felt floaty, the movement was unresponsive; throwing the magnet felt junky; whenever you fall on the ground, you slow down for some reason... a big room for improvement in my opinion

- a lot of time is wasted on waiting for all the mechanisms to move; please, make them move faster!

- in the later part of the game there were a couple of puzzles that solved themselves for me; I simply jumped on some buttons in a random order to see what they did and found myself solving the puzzle, not realizing what exactly I did to solve it; maybe it's just luck though

- the last puzzle was quite easy for me, I feel like it should've been harder

Cheers Pavel, will work on that - I don't want players to accidentally solve stuff, that's for sure!