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(1 edit)


I've released the Beta. Now, after so much work let's see







1) I MESSED UP: Ahhhhaha. What actually happened here is that, for screenshot purposes, I increased the spawn rate of moles in the first level and then it seemed I didn't fix it.

You can see it all

This lead to people being ambushed by multiple enemies all of a sudden. Pacing RUINED.

2) Don't use inconsistent lines for graphics: Kind of learnt this after some experience (though already did most graphics for Dust), all assets should be of the same scale. Is that right? I hope so.

3) Clicking sound is annoying: (for empty bullets I think)

4) Juiving works and tweens are key: in-wuad, out-wuad, tweening. Wait, I meant quad. (Have I been saying wuad all this time?) I must use tweening for everything!! (Especially UI)

5) Moles need more behaviours still: They used to just spam bullets and blocks. In the beta they call if they find an enemy, move to suspicious sounds (block breaking) and stay in a specific range of you for battle. I all thought it was very natural and nice, but I need to add more behaviours?

6) Don't cluster HUD.

7) Poison gas and some other stuff aren't clear.

Now some of these could have been fixed but I had to close my eyes and release the beta or else it might have never made it out.

That's all for most of the reports. Next time...hmmm..maybe I'll post some fan fiction?