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(1 edit) (+1)

W-Rope Climb Up/Jump/Cliff Climb

S-Rope Climb Down/Crouch/Cliff Drop

A-Move Left

D-Move Right



R-Use Health Item

G-Throw Bombs


Left Ctrl - Prone

T-Drop Teleportation device

1/2/3-To teleport

Reading this controls, I've become curious, firstly, if there will be an option to bind buttons yourself?

Secondly, why don't you used more standard "gaming" controls for keyboard/mouse, like using only WASD-near buttons and RMB/LMB?

(For example, WASD for move & jump, LMB for attack, RMB for bombs, E for interact, Q for heal, 1/2/3/R for teleport, and any of Z/X/C for masturbating and prone)

I can even suggest, that you can use even fewer buttons, by using mouse-weel for deciding between bombs, burgers and telepads.  


Controls will be re-bindable like obsolete version. Will try some new method so that mouse and controller input can be mapped.