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A member registered Jun 28, 2021

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What is the diference between the normal mode and hard one? On my first play hard mode felt easier, so I don't get it

(2 edits)

Does anyone know what's the last closed animation (and, maybe the seed for the map, where you can get that animation more easy)? (version 0.3 ea2)

Get knocked by a bat near it

The same way as 4. Don't know for you, but for me it works after 2 creatures came in Hailey. Then, after a few seconds of boss-fight, new chickens spawned are attracted to Hailey by 3 and 4. You just chop some of them so there's only 3 on the battlefield and get the scene

Until 1.0 I suppose. Noone said that the game is abounded 

It's very easy. You just wait until the game release and LAGS done them all. You welcome

The last animation (that is on the middle) you can unlock in Cherry Forest Cave. It unlocks the same way as the second animation under it. Do everything the same and then finish level mission (kill all necessary octopuses, zombies should already be dead as we destroy the red crystal). After that, return to starting point and talk to Mason's sister

The last 3 you can get here in the Frost Peak Cave. Attack the picture, so scene proceed, until you unlock all 5 animations (works occasionally, so you should fire the picture, then made some steps away from it, then attack again)

Finally got every animation unlocked. Ask, if you want

So, according to video on LAGS YouTube, here (lvl 14) should be a girl with a laptop. If I lure a jellyfish-hailey here, she should call Mason and I should get an additional NPC animation. Why it's empty though? (version

How did you get jellygirl?

Wait. Do you have a YouTube channel?

Pretty thanks

So now I'll count every hint from Zombie Girl, which left me clueless:

1. "You can get discount in Annie's gameplay by annoying the shopkeeper and then... uhh... I forgot"

2. "Your sister loves Mr. Raven like Athena does. In her gameplay, I remember making him fuck her in the tutorial level somehow." (I still don't get, who is this Mr. Raven, as I even can't find a character with this name)

3. "Mr. Raven once told me he helped his grandparents to come together. He stumble upon them while looking for a giant suck-ass-bee. He pretended to be a zombie and Mrs. Wayne acted like she was helping him cure it." (I don't even know what it's hinting to?)

4. "Do you see a broken robot in Moonrays Sinkhole? I don't know how it got there but there is someone there who wants to repair it." (Well, I do find the broken robot and a guy with futuristic clothes, but I have no idea, how to pass a laser wall)

5. "If you tired Rose with multiple trips in Annie's gameplay she will make mistake calling Judy." (I'm not sure if doing this right, but nothing changes, despite how many times I order cheats from Rose)


Also don't know where to find a male person for a plant girl in Annie's game and where to find a goblin for a Moon girl

So, I see her, I hear fapping sounds. Is this also unfinished animation, or I just caught a bug?

Okey, surely I need a guide for 100% gallery as I don't know if Zombie-girl tips are enough for me

I've created 2 topics there. Can you, please, answer them?

Also, is this some unfinished boss-fight?

What should happen on the first level? Zombie girl said that after finishing level 3 (or other, I don't remember which specifically), I have to returne to level 1 for some secret. I've finished all 17 levels of Hailey and the only thing that happened on level 1, it is disappearance of Anna 

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For example, to translate this name "Ruth", should I delete the last "Robin:-" and put "Рута:-", or should I put a comma after "Robin:-" and add "Рута:-"?

So, LAGS, first question: in dialogs.csv file strings are divided with commas in order "ID, English, Other,"

To add a new translation should I redact the last "Other" part of the string, or should I put comma and then add new, translated part of the string?

This topic is for questions about how correctly use the .csv file to translate the game. Before asking something, please, read already written questions and answers before. Maybe, your question was already been answered.

This is a topic for everything about UKR localization. Anyone who would like to land a hand are welcome. Also, after the 1.0 version of the game, I'll inform everyone about the progress here.

Тема з питань по українській локалізації гри. Завжди радий бажаючим допомогти. Наразі від версії до версії контент змінюється, тому про прогрес перекладу буду сповіщати після виходу версії 1.0.

Also also, I'm planning to do the Ukrainian localization when it will be 1.0 version of the game. Where I should send a file so it become one of the official localizations?

Also about the secrets. Want to find them by myself, but interested, if there is a bug on third level (Hailey) right now? Using breadcrumbs from left clothes I came to the chest room. Using light from Hailey helmet I figured, that wall behind the chest should be fake. Yet, neither jumping nor crawling can't get me through

Gen Z slang (as far as I know from Tik-Tok). In this case cooking means doing something potentially good. But if you're cooked, it's mean, you've been overwhelmed and done.

So, I don't know if someone already mentioned it, but by pressing attack with pickaxe button (in my case it's J) Hailey lose 10 HP. Is this a bug with attacks, or is it just a debug option (like with pressing on a burger image) on a J key?

It's on your own. There is a custom file, where you can translate the game (or, actually, put any text you wish) and then share it so anyone else can use your translation

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Any updates on this page (I mean, with that % stuff)?


Something really has to be done with items and those shelves. Because when you have a lots of equipment, it's become almost impossible to choose. It would be much easier, if inside the van, equipment pickup move to another window (like, IDK, to the chest or something)

Also, where can I read all items usabilities?

According to some other comments, I can't stop thinking that they have some other from 0.0.4 version of the game... Did I miss something?

He-he, boiiiii!

Is this the needed TXT files to translate?