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The game was a lot more fun with the 1.4 update, adding the other events to manage stopped the game from running out of content. It was especially nice to see that the audio cues had different reaction times (e.g. The vent needs to be closed a few seconds after hearing the noise). I am curious where else you will take the game, like with the TV that won’t turn off, or having to listen for wooden boards being smashed so you need to keep on top of them.

Will watch out for any further progress.

Thanks! Maybe if I will have some time, I will add something more to the game. TV is there because of a new ending, but I don't want spoilers ;) Right now I started to working on another analog horror game, but now it will be FPP. Hope you will check it out too!

Just went back and found the TV ending, good job; thought I had broke the game when nothing was interactable; wish I'd thought of trying that before uploadin