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How do you switch characters? There's literally no manual or instructions


There is no switching characters. You play as Yume, and order around the rest. The Controls:
Controls: W,S,A,D Yume walk.
Mouse Aim/move cursor.
Left Mouse Shoot,
Right Mouse use Skill.
Hold Shift to enter Command Mode, release to return to Move Mode.
Shift + Left Mouse over unit to select unit.
Shift + Left Mouse over terrain issue move order.
Shift + Right mouse Deselect unit. Shift + click and drag to box select.
Spacebar open/close build menu.
1,2,3 select control groups, CTRL + 1,2,3 Set control Groups.
Shift + S stop selected units.
Shift + A select all units.
Shift + X scatter units.
ESC Cancel messages/close menus.

Cool, nice game btw

