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Ok just finished my first run all the way through. Seriously awesome game dood! once a run gets going and your board has a few routes its very very fun. Amazing work.

A few would be nice features imo: 

Somewhere to see your entire board. Right now the board editor only shows you a 3x3 of your board. Would be nice to be able to take pictures of your board to show how crazy your run gets haha.

would be nice if there was an easier way to input diagonals, I messed up once or twice on choice cards. imo Mouse controls would help this alot, just when the player needs to move, click the space they will move to rather than the keyboard.

Again seriously seriously awesome game. 

Happy development!

I was also thinking about increasing the inventory display size. As for mouse controls, that will be a bit harder to implement, but I'll see what I can do.

Thank you so much for the feedback!