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Hey guys-

I know some of y'all don't like the MHA thing or don't wanna participate. That's totally fine, but can you please stop hating on those of us that are doing it? We aren't hurting anyone and tbh, you guys talking shit about us or saying you refuse to talk to us is honestly more toxic than anything we've been doing rn. I'm sorry, it just feels really shitty to keep seeing posts insulting us or saying people who were previously our friends don't even want to talk to us now just because we love a show. It's really damaging to me, and I'd imagine it's damaging to everyone else who's participating as well. All we did was change our PFPs, this really doesn't have to be a big thing we fight over. 

Please, please stop. Thank you.       


Can I join?

Hells yeah you can!! 

I wanna be Tsuyu!

Tsu's free, so go ahead!!

Yay! Thank youuuu

I am Eri

Just cuz I felt like it

And I honestly don’t know much about this MHA phase

It just seems fun


Ya know,on second thought-i kinda wanna do it to!

Go for it! 

I'm gonna be toga!


Dabi and I are gonna be psyched!!






Two options!

crowwwwwwww you making me cry 😭

No Lawkieeee I'm sorryyyyyy please don't cryyyyyyyyyyyyy-

it makes me think of kurtis and how I ruined this place

Lawkie you didn't ruin this place!!!! You haven't done anything wrong! And Kurtis's mental health is not and never was your responsibility. He wasn't doing well at the time, and that has nothing to do with you. He left for himself and he's doing better now, you said so yourself. Please don't feel guilty, ok? 

I feel guilty 💀

don't feel guilty

I fucked this place up

Like if I wasn’t here there wouldn’t be any nsfw rps


yes I am

I was the first person along with kurtis to make the first nsfw rp 

Uh.. accidentally 

At that time I was really innocent 

(1 edit)

When I said I would not like to associate myself with past cringe I meant I would not like to participate in it. And it's just cringe because of past uh... situations in the mha phase. I didn't mean anything by it.