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Gosh, that's awful!  I'm glad that you're recovering a bit and have some good solution ideas.  It's funny, it doesn't seem like clicking would have anything to do with a wrist, but it can be more painful than movement.  If the vertical mouse or tablet doesn't work for you since you'll still be clicking, you could also try using a mouse with your other hand.  Windows has mouse settings that let you switch the buttons around.  I'll sometimes do that if my right is bothering me, but I'm cross dominant (which hand I use depends on the situation) so maybe I have an easier time with it than someone who is actually right handed.  I also have sewn bag filled with feed corn that I keep in the freezer and I can use as a wrist rest when it needs a little extra soothing.  Rice also works for that, and it's all straight lines so it's pretty easy to sew.

Thanks for the suggestions Sharm! I'm actually using the vertical mouse for everything but drawing and I have to admit that it actually works, my hand is way less stressed after using it! Unfortunately the drawing tablet wasn't for me, I've tried it for a couple of days but I use too many shortcuts while I draw and it can't be done with a tablet, even if I bought a good one with 16 configurable keys!

Wrist update: I'm almost ready to start drawing again! I've tried drawing a bit during the last days and my wrist is getting better and better, even if it still hurts after a while!

That's great that it's working out!  Vertical mice sound pretty cool, I might have to give one a try myself.  You don't need to rush, take the time you need even if it means thinking you're ready to come back, giving it a try, and realizing you actually have to leave again.  Your health is #1 priority here, so do whatever it takes to be well and don't feel pressured.